1. There is a growing trend to replace a significant portion of milk replacer with solid feeds in veal calf nutrition, but this poses challenges such as reduced DMI of starter grains and interactions between MR and SF in the GIT.
2. Limited quantitative information exists on the passage kinetics of SF through the rumen and other gastrointestinal compartments of calves, but studies have shown that increasing SF levels can affect ruminal passage rates of dietary components.
3. Traditional methods for measuring passage kinetics involve sacrificing experimental animals or frequent collection of feces, but novel technologies such as abomasum emptying measurements and 13C breath tests are being used in human and animal research.
其次,在讨论涉及到奶牛仔犊消化系统中不同组成部分之间相互作用时,作者似乎只关注了粗饲料对液态摄入物通过胃肠道的通行速度产生的影响,并未考虑其他因素如微生物群落、胃肠道 pH 值等对消化过程的影响。