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Article summary:

1. This paper is a systematic review of quantitative studies conducted on the benefits of visiting gardens and gardening therapy for people with dementia (PWD).

2. The review found that in all but two of the studies examined, gardening therapy and the use of therapeutic gardens induced psychophysiological improvements in PWD.

3. Despite the limited number of studies investigated, the review confirmed the benefits of gardening and therapeutic gardens in PWD, however more research is needed to support currently-available evidence.

Article analysis:

The article “Effectiveness of Therapeutic Gardens for People with Dementia: A Systematic Review” is a comprehensive review of existing literature on the effectiveness of therapeutic gardens for people with dementia. The authors have followed PRISMA guidelines to ensure that their review is methodologically sound and reliable. The authors have also provided detailed information about their search strategy, selection criteria, and data extraction process which adds to the trustworthiness and reliability of their findings.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided as it presents both positive and negative findings from existing literature on therapeutic gardens for people with dementia. It also acknowledges that there is still a shortage of empirical evidence regarding garden design guidelines and effects on caregivers as well as on PWDs. Furthermore, it provides recommendations for future research which suggests that the authors are aware of potential limitations in their study.

In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable due to its comprehensive approach to reviewing existing literature on therapeutic gardens for people with dementia.