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Article summary:

1. A novel dual laser beam asynchronous dicing method (DBAD) is proposed to improve the cutting quality of SiC wafers.

2. A finite-element (FE) model was applied to analyze the behavior of CW laser heating and the evolution of the thermal stress field.

3. The effectiveness of the DBAD method is certified, with no more edge breakage compared with traditional stealth dicing.

Article analysis:

The article provides a detailed overview of a novel dual laser beam asynchronous dicing method (DBAD) for improving the cutting quality of SiC wafers. The authors provide a comprehensive description of their proposed method, including a finite-element (FE) model to analyze the behavior of CW laser heating and the evolution of the thermal stress field, as well as experiments conducted on SiC samples with a thickness of 200 μm to study the effect of changing continuous laser power on the DBAD system. The article also presents results from both simulation and experiment that demonstrate the effectiveness of this new method in comparison to traditional stealth dicing methods.

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy overall, as it provides evidence for its claims through simulations and experiments, as well as references other relevant research in this field. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted in this article. For example, while it does mention some potential risks associated with using this new method, such as possible damage to materials due to high temperatures or incorrect settings, it does not provide any detailed information about how these risks can be mitigated or avoided. Additionally, while it does discuss some potential advantages over traditional stealth dicing methods, such as improved cutting quality and reduced edge breakage, it does not explore any potential disadvantages or counterarguments that could be raised against using this new method instead. Finally, while there is no promotional content in this article per se, it could be argued that its focus on highlighting only positive aspects may lead readers to view this new method more favorably than they otherwise would have without being presented with both sides equally.