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Article summary:

1. This article discusses the process mechanism of ultrafast laser multi-focal-scribing for ultrafine and efficient stealth dicing of SiC wafers.

2. It examines the formation of periodic strained layers associated with nanovoids inside a silicon carbide single crystal induced by femtosecond laser irradiation.

3. The article also looks at the effect of energy density on the machining character of C/SiC composites by picosecond laser, as well as the propagation of powerful femtosecond laser pulses in optical media.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing evidence to support its claims through references to other studies and research papers. The authors have provided a comprehensive overview of the process mechanism of ultrafast laser multi-focal-scribing for ultrafine and efficient stealth dicing of SiC wafers, examining various aspects such as formation of periodic strained layers associated with nanovoids inside a silicon carbide single crystal induced by femtosecond laser irradiation, effect of energy density on the machining character of C/SiC composites by picosecond laser, and propagation of powerful femtosecond laser pulses in optical media. The authors have also discussed potential risks associated with this process, such as possible damage to materials due to high temperatures generated during the process.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in its reporting, presenting both sides equally and exploring counterarguments where necessary. There are no unsupported claims or missing points of consideration that could affect the reliability or trustworthiness of the article. All claims made are supported by evidence from other studies and research papers referenced throughout the text. Furthermore, there is no promotional content present in this article that could lead to partiality or bias in its reporting.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its comprehensive coverage and lack of bias or unsupported claims.