1. When looking for a job in the IT industry, it is important to choose the right company and business.
2. Technical and non-technical positions require different skills, such as technical architecture and management, operational ability, business communication skills, and upward management ability.
3. It is also important to be proficient in one's own business, have one's own ideas and plans, understand the assessment criteria of the company, lead people well, be broad-minded and not be a good person all the time.
The article provides some useful advice for those looking for a job in the IT industry. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while it does mention that age is not necessarily an issue in the Internet industry itself, it does not explore any potential ageism issues that may exist within certain companies or industries. Additionally, while it does provide some useful tips on how to succeed in various roles within the IT industry (such as technical architecture and management), it does not provide any evidence or research to back up these claims. Furthermore, while it does mention that choosing the right company is important when looking for a job in this field, it fails to explore any potential risks associated with this decision or provide any counterarguments from other perspectives. Finally, while it does suggest that one should not always be a “good person” when working in this field, it fails to provide any context or explanation as to why this might be beneficial or necessary. In conclusion, while this article provides some useful advice for those looking for a job in the IT industry, its trustworthiness and reliability should be taken into consideration due to its potential biases and lack of evidence or exploration of other perspectives.