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Article summary:

1. Tu Hoa returns to Anh Vien with a sketch and checks her phone for a message from Ha Dien Tieu.

2. Tu Hoa is allergic to Coco, Ha Dien Tieu's cat, but they live together peacefully by avoiding contact.

3. Tu Hoa takes a bath and receives a message from Ha Dien Tieu while in the tub.

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I cannot provide a critical analysis of the content as it is incomplete and lacks context. The article appears to be a partial translation of a novel or story, and without access to the full text, it is impossible to provide a comprehensive analysis. However, based on the available text, there does not appear to be any obvious biases or unsupported claims. It is important to note that this is a work of fiction and should not be taken as factual reporting.