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Article summary:

1. Embracing failure is the best survival strategy for indie game developers, as the market is saturated with thousands of indie games and only a small percentage earn enough to make a living.

2. Successful indie developers are often subject to survivorship bias, and their success may make it more difficult for other games to find an audience.

3. For first-time indie game developers, it's important to adjust goals and prepare for failure while creating something that they can be proud of and building a space for their work. Learning from the failures of the first game can help them succeed in future projects.

Article analysis:





最后,文章似乎宣传了Vlambeer公司及其创始人Rami Ismail。虽然他们是成功的独立游戏开发者之一,但文章过于强调他们的观点和建议,并未平等地呈现其他观点或意见。
