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Article summary:

1. Loess and loess-like soils are widely distributed and used as construction material, but their water retention properties are crucial for engineering activities and crop growth.

2. The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) can reflect different soils' water holding and releasing characteristics, which are affected by mineral species, pore structure, particle size composition, stress history, and sample preparation method.

3. Particle size composition is an essential factor affecting the matric suction of soil and the water holding capacity of remolded loess, with smaller soil particle sizes having more medium and micropores but worse connectivity.

Article analysis:


1. 偏重于技术细节:文章过多地关注了实验方法和数据分析,而忽略了更广泛的环境和社会背景。例如,文章没有探讨黄土地区的生态系统和农业生产如何受到水分保持特性的影响。

2. 缺乏对比研究:文章没有与其他类型土壤进行比较,也没有考虑不同地理位置、气候条件下黄土水分保持特性的差异。这使得文章的结论缺乏普适性。

3. 忽略人类活动对黄土环境的影响:尽管文章提到了工程建设对黄土使用的影响,但它没有深入探讨人类活动如何改变黄土环境,并可能导致水资源短缺等问题。

4. 缺乏社会意义:除了提供一些技术信息外,这篇文章似乎没有涉及任何社会意义或政策建议。例如,它没有探讨如何在保护黄土生态系统和促进可持续发展之间找到平衡点。
