1. The article covers a range of topics, from Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe to the 50 Over 50 list released by Forbes.
2. It includes interviews with politicians and newsmakers, as well as stories about people who have overcome adversity.
3. The article also discusses the importance of celebrating Jacinda Ardern's decision to step down and making smart money moves ahead of a looming recession.
The article is generally reliable in terms of its content, as it provides a range of perspectives on current events and issues. It includes interviews with politicians and newsmakers, as well as stories about people who have overcome adversity. The sources for the claims made are clearly stated, which adds to the credibility of the article. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, some of the stories may be presented in a one-sided manner or without exploring counterarguments or alternative perspectives. Additionally, some of the content may be promotional in nature or partial towards certain individuals or groups. Furthermore, possible risks associated with certain topics may not be noted or discussed in detail. Finally, both sides of an issue may not always be presented equally or explored thoroughly enough.