1. Canada's military has been neglected by successive governments, leading to an underequipped and demoralized force.
2. Canada is no longer able to maintain its peacekeeping myth due to the lack of resources and personnel.
3. The Armed Forces need to be maintained in a robust, resilient condition in order to keep up with changing warfare tactics and technologies.
The article “Ignored by a succession of governments, Canada’s military is now a tiny, underequipped and demoralized force” is written by Michael Goodspeed, a former lieutenant-colonel in Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. The article provides an overview of the current state of the Canadian Armed Forces and how it has been neglected by successive governments over the years. It also discusses the need for increased funding and resources in order to maintain a strong military presence in international affairs.
The article is generally reliable as it provides evidence for its claims such as quotes from Retired Supreme Court justice Louise Arbour and statistics on personnel numbers and equipment availability. However, there are some potential biases present in the article that should be noted. For example, Goodspeed's background as a former lieutenant-colonel may lead him to have an overly positive view of the Canadian Armed Forces which could lead him to overlook or downplay any negative aspects of the institution. Additionally, he does not provide any counterarguments or explore any alternative solutions that could be implemented instead of increased funding for the military.
In conclusion, while this article provides an accurate overview of the current state of Canada's military, readers should be aware that there may be some potential biases present due to Goodspeed's background as a former lieutenant-colonel which could lead him to overlook or downplay certain aspects of the issue at hand.