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Article summary:

1. Strata meetings allow owners to make decisions about the strata complex and have a say in issues that affect how they live.

2. There are different types of meetings, including annual general meetings, general meetings, and strata committee meetings.

3. Tenants can attend some meetings but cannot vote on issues unless given a proxy vote by an owner and may be asked to leave when scheme finances are being discussed.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Strata meetings | NSW Government" provides a comprehensive overview of strata meetings and their importance for owners in a strata complex. The article covers various types of meetings, including annual general meetings, general meetings, and strata committee meetings. It also explains the importance of attending these meetings and how to get involved.

Overall, the article appears to be informative and unbiased. However, there are some potential biases that need to be considered. For example, the article is published by the NSW government, which may have an interest in promoting compliance with strata regulations and encouraging participation in strata meetings.

One-sided reporting is not evident in this article as it provides information on different types of meetings and their purpose. However, some points of consideration are missing from the article. For instance, it does not mention the potential risks associated with attending strata meetings or participating in decision-making processes. It would have been helpful if the article had provided some guidance on how to deal with conflicts or disputes that may arise during these meetings.

The claims made in the article are supported by evidence such as legal requirements for holding annual general meetings and rules around voting power based on unit entitlements. However, there are no counterarguments presented or explored in this article.

The promotional content is not evident in this article as it provides factual information about strata meetings without any marketing language or sales pitch.

Partiality is not evident in this article as it presents both sides equally by providing information on how owners can participate in decision-making processes while also outlining conditions for tenants' attendance at these meetings.

In conclusion, the "Strata Meetings | NSW Government" article provides useful information for owners living in a strata complex who want to participate in decision-making processes related to their property. While there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration, overall, the article appears to be informative and unbiased.