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Article summary:

1. The national statistics on college graduation rates show that whether a student graduates or not depends almost entirely on how much money their parents make.

2. Low-income students who attend highly selective colleges have a higher likelihood of graduating, but parental income and education still play a significant role in determining who will graduate on time.

3. The University of Texas is addressing the problems faced by low-income students by addressing their doubts, misconceptions, and fears through programs like the Texas Interdisciplinary Plan (TIP), which has been successful in improving graduation rates for struggling students.

Article analysis:

The article "Who Gets to Graduate?" by Paul Tough explores the challenges faced by low-income students in achieving a college degree. The author argues that the primary factor determining whether a student graduates or not is their family's income level, rather than their academic ability. The article highlights the efforts of the University of Texas to address this issue by providing support and resources to struggling students.

Overall, the article provides a compelling argument for the need to address the obstacles faced by low-income students in higher education. However, there are some potential biases and limitations in the reporting that should be considered.

One potential bias is that the article focuses primarily on one university and its efforts to improve graduation rates for low-income students. While this case study is informative, it may not be representative of all universities or colleges across the country. Additionally, while the article acknowledges that some students may not be academically prepared for college-level work, it does not explore other factors that may contribute to lower graduation rates among low-income students, such as lack of access to quality K-12 education or systemic inequalities in higher education.

Another limitation of the article is that it presents a somewhat one-sided view of U.T.'s efforts to support struggling students. While Laude's TIP program has been successful in improving graduation rates for low-income students, there may be other approaches or programs that could also be effective but are not mentioned in the article.

Additionally, while the article emphasizes U.T.'s focus on addressing students' doubts and fears about their ability to succeed in college, it does not explore potential risks associated with this approach. For example, if struggling students are given too much reassurance or support without being challenged academically, they may become overly reliant on external validation and struggle when faced with more difficult coursework or real-world challenges after graduation.

Finally, while the article provides some evidence for its claims about income disparities in college completion rates, it could benefit from more detailed data analysis and exploration of counterarguments. For example, while SAT scores may correlate with family income levels, there may be other factors at play (such as access to test preparation resources) that could also influence academic performance.

In conclusion, "Who Gets to Graduate?" raises important questions about equity and access in higher education but should be read critically with an awareness of its potential biases and limitations.