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Article summary:

1. A one-step, solvent-free, high yield method was developed to synthesize metal iodate fine powders by mechanochemistry.

2. The size of the final products can be reduced by 20–500 times compared to conventional chemical precipitation methods.

3. The role of process conditions (temperature, hydration state, and milling time) on reaction products was investigated by TG/DSC and XRD.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in its reporting of the development of a one-step, solvent-free, high yield method for synthesizing metal iodate fine powders by mechanochemistry. The article provides evidence for its claims through the use of various analytical techniques such as TG/DSC and XRD to investigate the role of process conditions on reaction products. Furthermore, it provides a possible mechanism for the synthesis method which is supported by evidence from previous studies.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, while it does mention other methods used to generate nanosized oxidizers in nanothermite systems such as electrospray/electrospinning and ball milling, it does not provide an equal comparison between these methods and its proposed method in terms of their respective advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, while it does mention that metal iodates are strong oxidizers with high energy densities and adiabatic flame temperatures when compared to conventional thermites, it does not provide any evidence or data to support this claim. Finally, while it mentions that elemental iodine is a very effective biocide, it does not discuss any potential risks associated with using metal iodates in thermite applications such as toxicity or environmental impact.