1. The concept of “infrapolitics” is used to describe forms of resistance that are discreet and disguised, practiced in spaces that are relatively protected from the control and surveillance of authorities.
2. Possession cults are often seen as a form of infrapolitical resistance, and can be used to express dissent without open confrontation or opposition.
3. This article examines how the Islamization of a Malian province was accompanied by the emergence of possession cults, and how these cults were able to transition from infrapolitics to politics through their “centralization”.
The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides an in-depth analysis of the concept of infrapolitics and its application to possession cults in Mali. It draws on both historical research and ethnographic fieldwork conducted over six months in three villages in Mali, providing evidence for its claims. The article also cites relevant sources such as James Scott's La Domination et les arts de la résistance, which adds further credibility to its arguments.
However, there are some potential biases present in the article which should be noted. For example, while it does cite Lewis' theory on central vs peripheral cults, it does not explore any counterarguments or criticisms against this theory. Additionally, while it does provide evidence for its claims about possession cults being used as a form of infrapolitical resistance, it does not provide any evidence for its claim that these cults were able to transition from infrapolitics to politics through their “centralization”. Furthermore, while the article mentions the potential risks associated with possession cults (such as judiciarisation), it does not explore them in depth or provide any further insights into possible risks associated with them.