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Article summary:

1. Live streaming shopping has become a popular form of social business, with sales reaching $6 billion in 2020.

2. Live streaming shopping provides consumers with an intuitive shopping experience through its forceful interaction and visual presence.

3. Previous studies have explored the impact of live streaming on users’ purchase intention, but there is still a need to understand the contextualized factors driving consumers to make a purchase in live streaming and explore the specific impact mechanism that how these factors affect users’ purchase intention.

Article analysis:

The article “Understanding the influencing mechanism of users’ participation in live streaming shopping: A socio-technical perspective” provides an overview of the current state of research on live streaming shopping and its potential as a new form of social business. The article is well-written and provides an accurate description of the current state of research on this topic. The authors provide evidence from surveys and other sources to support their claims, which adds credibility to their arguments.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while the authors discuss potential risks associated with live streaming shopping, they do not provide any evidence or examples to back up their claims. Additionally, while they mention potential benefits such as increased trust between buyers and sellers, they do not explore any possible counterarguments or drawbacks associated with this type of shopping experience. Furthermore, while they discuss different industries that have adopted live streaming shopping as part of their digital transformation strategies, they do not provide any details about how these strategies have been implemented or what results they have achieved so far.

In conclusion, this article provides an informative overview of the current state of research on live streaming shopping and its potential as a new form of social business. However, it could be improved by providing more evidence for its claims and exploring possible counterarguments or drawbacks associated with this type of shopping experience.