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Article summary:

1. EU Delegation and GIZ have opened a public call for partnerships in the field of technological innovation – eu4digitalsme.

2. The call is aimed at public-private and private-private partnerships between industry, associations, business networks and research & development institutions to achieve technological transformation of small and medium enterprises.

3. The project has a budget of 700,000 EUR and aims to establish digital innovation hubs (DIHs), strengthen small and medium enterprises in the process of digitalization, create new jobs, increase competitiveness, and promote gender equality.

Article analysis:

The article “EU Delegacija i GIZ otvorili javni poziv za partnerstva u oblasti tehnoloških inovacija – eu4digitalsme” provides an overview of the public call for partnerships in the field of technological innovation launched by EU Delegation and GIZ. The article is written from a neutral point of view without any bias or partiality towards either side. It presents both sides equally by providing information on the objectives of the project as well as its potential risks. The article also mentions that 98% of all private companies in BiH are small and medium enterprises which contribute to 62% of total added value in BiH, thus emphasizing the importance of this project for economic growth in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Furthermore, it highlights that gender equality will be promoted through this project by ensuring that at least 30% of team members are women.

The article is reliable as it provides accurate information about the project objectives, budget, timeline, etc., as well as potential risks associated with it such as high costs for services provided by digital sector companies in BiH. However, there are some missing points which could have been explored further such as potential challenges faced by small businesses while transitioning to digitalization or how this project could help them overcome these challenges. Additionally, there is no mention about how this project could benefit other countries in Western Balkans region apart from Bosnia & Herzegovina which could have been included to provide a more comprehensive overview about its impact on regional level.