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Article summary:

1. Lead acetate-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have shown superiority in terms of controlled grain growth and replacement of traditional lead halides, but the lack of control on the grain quality still creates risks such as unwanted defects, pinholes, and grain boundaries.

2. A reliable method to control the morphology and grain size of lead acetate-based perovskites was proposed using a dynamic solvent-vapor annealing treatment with N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) vapors, which assisted in the growth of perovskite grains and facilitated an increase in grain size.

3. Using optimized DMF volume, planar PSCs achieved the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 13.71%, which was 23.8% higher than that of the controlled device, demonstrating that solvent vapor-assisted crystal growth is a simple and facile way to improve the quality of lead acetate-based perovskites and increase their performance.

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