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Article summary:

1. BowTiedSalesGuy closed his largest deal ever (ACV 7 figures) with a whale account that nobody thought was closable.

2. He learned five lessons during the process, including the importance of deep account research and identifying what matters most to the client and decision makers.

3. He also emphasized the need to ask for help, go back to basics, and lead prospects to close themselves by asking clear questions.

Article analysis:

The article "Behind the scenes of a 7 figure deal" by BowTiedSalesGuy provides insights into the process of closing a large enterprise deal. The author shares his personal experience and lessons learned during the process, including researching the account, setting a strategy, and delivering the message.

One potential bias in the article is that it is written from the perspective of a successful salesperson who has closed a large deal. This may lead readers to believe that following the author's approach will always result in success. However, there are many factors that can influence whether or not a deal is closed, and not all deals will be as successful as the one described in this article.

Another potential bias is that the author focuses primarily on his own actions and strategies, without considering external factors that may have contributed to his success. For example, he mentions that his company's focus on profitability rather than growth at all costs may have hindered their ability to win strategic deals in the past. However, he does not explore whether this focus on profitability was ultimately beneficial for the company in other ways.

Additionally, some claims made in the article are unsupported or lack evidence. For example, when discussing why previous sales teams failed to close the account, the author states that "little to no discovery/analysis went into the first attempt." However, he does not provide any evidence to support this claim or explain how he arrived at this conclusion.

Overall, while this article provides some useful insights into enterprise sales strategies and tactics, readers should approach it with caution and consider other factors beyond those presented by the author.