1. The fashion industry has a large environmental impact, and circular economy principles can be used to promote sustainable product development.
2. This paper discusses the participation of two young fashion designers in an upcycling project, using old textiles from plane seats and metal accessories from seat belts as raw materials.
3. The contest was successful in increasing media exposure for the designers, and it highlights the need for more conscious fashion consumers who demand sustainability from fashion brands.
The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims in the form of references to other sources such as books and research papers. It also presents both sides of the argument equally, discussing both the potential benefits of upcycling projects as well as their challenges. However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, it does not explore any potential risks associated with upcycling projects or discuss any counterarguments that may exist against them. Additionally, while it does provide evidence for its claims, some of this evidence is outdated (e.g., one reference is from 2003). Finally, there is a lack of detail regarding how exactly upcycling projects can help reduce environmental impacts; this could be addressed by providing more specific examples or case studies.