1. Synthesis of new dual functionalized ionic liquids (ILs) with unconventional anions for cellulose dissolution.
2. Up to 20 wt-% MCC was dissolved in DMF/ILs solutions at 100°C.
3. IL cations (polyether chain length) had a greater impact on cellulose dissolution ability than the minor effect seen by anion exchange.
The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides detailed information about the synthesis of new dual functionalized ionic liquids (ILs) with unconventional anions for cellulose dissolution, and presents results from experiments that demonstrate up to 20 wt-% MCC being dissolved in DMF/ILs solutions at 100°C. The article also provides evidence that IL cations (polyether chain length) have a greater impact on cellulose dissolution ability than the minor effect seen by anion exchange.
The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided, as it presents both sides of the argument equally and fairly. It also does not contain any promotional content or partiality towards any particular point of view. Furthermore, possible risks are noted throughout the article, such as those associated with using certain chemicals during synthesis and experimentation processes.
The only potential issue with the article is that it does not explore any counterarguments or missing points of consideration regarding its claims and findings. However, this is likely due to the fact that this is a research paper rather than a debate piece, so exploring counterarguments may not be necessary for its purpose.