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Article summary:

1. Islanding effect is a potential danger in distributed generation systems, especially with the increasing use of renewable energy-based grid-connected power generation devices.

2. Anti-islanding strategies, including passive and active schemes, have been developed to prevent islanding effects and ensure uninterrupted power supply for important loads.

3. The effectiveness of anti-islanding strategies can be evaluated using the undetectable area as a performance index, and testing technologies such as the sandia frequency shift algorithm can verify the anti-islanding protection function of grid-connected devices.

Article analysis:




此外,在测试技术方面,文章提到了IEEE Std. Island testing platform,并进行了实验研究。然而,在测试过程中是否考虑到可能存在的风险以及如何保证测试结果的公正性和客观性等问题并未得到充分关注。

