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Article summary:

1. Zr59Cu20Al10Ni8Ti3 bulk metallic glass displays plasticity before fracture under compressive loading, with fracture mainly localized on one major shear band and a compressive fracture angle of 43°.

2. Under tensile loading, the material always displays brittle fracture without yielding, with a lower tensile fracture stress of 1.58 GPa compared to the compressive fracture stress of 1.69 GPa and a tensile fracture angle of 54°.

3. The deviation of both θC and θT from the maximum shear stress plane (45°) suggests that the fracture behavior of the metallic glass under compressive and tensile load does not follow the von Mises criterion, with normal stress also playing a role in the formation of combined vein-like and radiate core features on the respective fracture surfaces.

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