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Article summary:

1. Virtual Writing Tutor is a free online essay checker and grammar check website that helps writers improve their writing by correcting mistakes, reformulating sentences in standard English, checking spelling, giving feedback on grammar and punctuation errors, and improving word choice.

2. The website can also estimate a writer's CEFR level, IELTS score, TOEFL score, or their proficiency level in just half of a second using its vocabulary profile and grammar error density checks.

3. Additionally, the Virtual Writing Tutor offers IELTS speaking exam preparation tools, essay scoring services using Latent Essay Feature Analysis (LEFA) and Model Essay Proximity Scoring (MEPS), word count and spell check features, as well as grammar and punctuation checking capabilities powered by LanguageTool with additional error detection rules to catch common ESL grammar errors.

Article analysis:


首先,该文章没有提及其作者或出处,这可能会引起读者对其可信度的怀疑。此外,该文章似乎是由Virtual Writing Tutor网站自己编写的,因此可能存在宣传内容和偏袒。




总之,虽然Virtual Writing Tutor网站提供了一些有用的工具和服务来帮助学生改善他们的写作技能,但读者应该谨慎对待其中存在的潜在偏见、片面报道、缺失考虑点等问题,并尝试寻找其他来源来获得更全面、客观、平衡地信息。