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Article summary:

1. Universities are becoming more utilitarian and market-driven, leading to a lack of refined educational content and a heavy financial burden on students. This is due to the influence of politicians and academic managers who see universities as extensions of the market state.

2. The traditional concept of a university as a self-governing guild dedicated to the pursuit of truth, character cultivation, and civic duties is being undermined by anti-intellectual views.

3. Both left and right political parties have championed a fusion of marketization and bureaucracy in higher education, resulting in funding cuts, regulatory requirements, micromanagement, and an emphasis on management science metrics over actual achievement. This has led to mediocrity, conventional wisdom, censorship of works that challenge orthodoxy, and an erosion of excellence in language.

Article analysis:

作为一篇批判性的文章,作者Adrian Pabst在探讨大学教育问题时提出了一些有价值的观点,但也存在一些偏见和不足之处。




