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Article summary:

1. HuBMAP initiative aims to create cell-level reference maps for the human body: The HuBMAP initiative is focused on generating technology and resources to map how different cell types are arranged throughout the human body. This initiative will provide researchers with tools to study tissue organization in health and disease.

2. Single-cell transcriptomics methods and spatial methods are used to create cell-level maps: Single-cell transcriptomics methods identify RNA transcripts in individual cells, providing a "parts list" of cell types in a tissue. Spatial methods, such as spatial transcriptomics and imaging-based approaches, put these parts together in context to generate cell-level maps of tissues.

3. Cell-level maps have been created for the placenta, intestine, and kidney: Three papers published in this issue describe reference cell atlases for the human placenta, intestine, and kidney. These atlases were created using techniques like MIBI (for protein imaging) and CODEX (for DNA barcoding), allowing researchers to identify different cell types and their interactions within these organs.

Overall, the article highlights the importance of understanding how cells are organized in the human body and how these cell-level reference maps can aid in studying tissue organization in various organs.

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