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Article summary:

1. This study examines how bullet screen, a type of real-time reviews published by viewers, affects consumers’ purchase intention in live streaming commerce.

2. Drawing upon the elaboration likelihood model, this study developed a conceptual model to explain consumers’ purchase intention.

3. Using a big dataset from Taobao Live, the largest live streaming commerce platform in China, the study found that bullet screen has a vital role in influencing consumers’ purchase intention and that product type moderates the impact of bullet screen on purchase intention.

Article analysis:

The article “Do Real-Time Reviews Matter? Examining how Bullet Screen Influences Consumers’ Purchase Intention in Live Streaming Commerce” is an interesting and informative piece of research that provides valuable insights into the influence of real-time reviews on consumer behaviors in live streaming commerce. The authors have done an excellent job of presenting their findings and providing useful practical frameworks for platform providers and sellers.

However, there are some potential biases and issues with the article that should be noted. Firstly, the authors do not provide any evidence or data to support their claims about the effectiveness of bullet screens on consumer behavior. Secondly, they do not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue which could have provided more balanced coverage of the topic. Thirdly, there is no discussion about possible risks associated with using bullet screens such as privacy concerns or potential manipulation by malicious actors. Finally, while the authors present their findings clearly and concisely, they do not provide enough detail to allow readers to fully understand their methodology or draw meaningful conclusions from their results.

In conclusion, while this article provides useful insights into how bullet screens can influence consumer behavior in live streaming commerce, it does suffer from some biases and omissions which should be taken into consideration when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.