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Article summary:

1. Alkali-activated materials (AAM) are potential alternatives to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) to reduce CO2 emissions and beneficiate several wastes into useful products.

2. This study provides a comprehensive overview of one-part alkali-activated materials (OP-AAM), including raw materials, preparation, working performance, mechanical properties, and durability.

3. The study also discusses the potential mechanisms of different material pretreatment methods, fiber types, and curing methods for OP-AAM.

Article analysis:

The article “One-Part Alkali-Activated Materials: State of the Art and Perspectives” is an Open Access Review that provides a comprehensive overview of one-part alkali-activated materials (OP-AAM). The article is written by four authors from Xinjiang University in China and is published in Polymers journal. The article is well written and organized with clear structure and logical flow of ideas. It provides a detailed review of the current state of OP-AAM research as well as its potential applications in construction industry.

The article presents a balanced view on the advantages and limitations of OP-AAM technology without any bias or promotional content. It also provides an in depth comparison between different material pretreatment methods, fiber types, and curing methods for OP-AAM with their potential mechanisms discussed in detail. Furthermore, it offers recommendations for further research based on the analysis of current limitations which can be used as guidance for future studies on this topic.

In terms of trustworthiness and reliability, the article appears to be credible due to its thorough review of existing literature on OP-AAM technology as well as its balanced view on both advantages and limitations associated with it. However, there are some points that could have been explored more deeply such as possible risks associated with using synthetic fibers which have poor chemical stability or other environmental impacts related to using AAM technology in construction industry which were not mentioned in the article. Additionally, counterarguments regarding some claims made by the authors could have been presented more clearly to provide a more comprehensive understanding of this topic from different perspectives.