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The Cult Of The Serpent
Source: bibliotecapleyades.net
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Article summary:

1. The U.S. "secret" government has been involved in cover manned space exploration of this solar system utilizing super-advanced technologies which are so revolutionary that the secret government has chosen to tell the public little or nothing about it.

2. An inner core of this "secret government" have in the past worked hand-in-claw with a race of hominoid-sauroid reptilian beings who have given these human "elite" technology and power (over their fellow man) in exchange for certain powers and influences which this secret government or "serpent cult" gave these alien beings over the masses of humanity.

3. The Rothschilds were considered to be "human gods" by many occultists and, according to Mr. Todd, were in constant communication with "Lucifer", who they themselves considered to be god. There are also indications that they were/are also in contact with the serpent race as well, which would make them an integral part of the "serpent cult".

Article analysis:

The article titled "The Cult of the Serpent" by Branton presents a conspiracy theory that alleges the existence of a secret government involved in cover space exploration and working with hominoid-sauroid reptilian beings. The article also claims that an inner core of this secret government, known as the "serpent cult," has been manipulating humanity for their own gain.

While the article provides some sources to support its claims, such as Dennis Brunnell, John Todd, and Dr. John Coleman, it lacks concrete evidence to back up its assertions. The article relies heavily on hearsay and anecdotal evidence from individuals who claim to have insider knowledge of these alleged conspiracies.

Furthermore, the article appears to be biased towards promoting a particular worldview that demonizes certain groups such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and socialists. It also promotes a Christian perspective that suggests that those who do not follow Christianity are under the influence of evil forces.

The article also fails to consider alternative explanations for events or phenomena it describes. For example, it does not explore other possible reasons why the US government may be involved in secret space exploration or why certain individuals may hold power over others.

Overall, while the article presents an intriguing conspiracy theory, it lacks sufficient evidence to support its claims and appears to be biased towards promoting a particular worldview. As such, readers should approach its content with skepticism and critical thinking.