1. The article explores the role of grandmothers in providing childcare in urban Turkey, and how this practice is shaped by neoliberal conservatism.
2. Grandmother childcare is seen as a form of solidarity and care work, but it also reinforces gendered expectations and limits women's participation in the workforce.
3. The article argues that policies should be implemented to support working mothers and promote gender equality, rather than relying on grandmothers to provide childcare.
The article "Caring for solidarity? The intimate politics of grandmother childcare and neoliberal conservatism in urban Turkey" by Can (2019) explores the role of grandmothers in providing childcare in urban Turkey and how this practice is influenced by neoliberal conservatism. While the article provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of family care and political ideology, it also has some potential biases and limitations.
One potential bias is that the article focuses solely on grandmothers as caregivers, without considering other forms of family care or alternative caregiving arrangements. This narrow focus may limit the generalizability of the findings and overlook important nuances in family dynamics.
Another limitation is that the article does not provide sufficient evidence to support some of its claims. For example, the author argues that neoliberal conservatism promotes individualism over collectivism, but does not provide concrete examples or data to support this assertion. Similarly, while the author suggests that grandmothers' caregiving practices are shaped by their political beliefs, there is little empirical evidence presented to support this claim.
Additionally, the article may be somewhat one-sided in its portrayal of neoliberal conservatism as a negative force that undermines social solidarity. While there are certainly valid critiques of neoliberalism's impact on social welfare policies and collective action, it is also possible to argue that individualism can promote personal responsibility and autonomy.
Despite these limitations, the article raises important questions about how political ideologies intersect with family care practices. It highlights how grandmothers' caregiving roles are shaped by broader societal forces such as economic inequality and political ideology. By exploring these issues, the article contributes to a deeper understanding of how families navigate complex social and political contexts.