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Article summary:

1. The solution pH affects both the liquid-phase chemistry and the oxidation potential of the plasma-generated aqueous reactive species.

2. The concentrations of aqueous reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) are produced in solutions treated by air discharge, and these reactive species have great biomedical effects at certain concentrations.

3. The oxidation potentials of aqueous reactive species are essential data to judge whether and to what extent most of the oxidation-reduction reactions of organics with the reactive species occur.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides evidence for its claims through references to other studies and research papers. It also presents both sides equally, noting possible risks associated with plasma treatment processes such as surface air discharge at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, it explores counterarguments and provides detailed information on how the solution pH affects both the liquid-phase chemistry and the oxidation potential of the plasma-generated aqueous reactive species.

However, there are some areas where more detail could be provided or further exploration could be done. For example, while the article does provide evidence for its claims through references to other studies, it does not provide any direct evidence from experiments conducted by itself or from other sources that support its claims. Additionally, while it does explore counterarguments, it does not provide any detailed analysis or discussion on them which could help strengthen its argument further.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy but could benefit from providing more direct evidence for its claims as well as exploring counterarguments in greater detail.