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Article summary:

1. Social media platforms should not be classified as public utilities because they do not possess the potential to become natural monopolies. There are virtually no costs to consumers and competitors have the ability to duplicate these platforms. The constantly changing nature of social media makes it difficult for the government to determine which platform will become popular next.

2. Social media platforms are not essential facilities. While some argue that Facebook and other platforms are "social utilities" or "social commons," they are not necessary for survival, economic success, or online life. Public utility regulation would stifle digital innovation and raise prices for users.

3. The regulation of social media platforms raises First Amendment concerns, as these platforms are tied to the production and dissemination of speech and expression. Any regulatory proposals should be subject to heightened constitutional scrutiny. Additionally, regulating social networks without competitive pressure could lead to problems similar to those associated with regulating public utilities in the past.

Overall, the article argues against classifying social media platforms as public utilities due to their lack of potential for natural monopolies, non-essential nature, and potential negative effects on innovation and free speech.

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