1. The article compares the advantages and disadvantages of Google, Bing, and Baidu search engines.
2. It provides scenarios in which each search engine is most applicable.
3. The article also discusses the privacy issues associated with using Google.
The article provides a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of three major search engines - Google, Bing, and Baidu - as well as scenarios in which each is most applicable. The author does provide some insight into the potential biases of each search engine, such as how Baidu may be better for Chinese searches while Google may be better for English searches. However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon in terms of trustworthiness and reliability.
First, the author does not provide any evidence to support their claims about the accuracy or effectiveness of each search engine. While they do provide anecdotal evidence from their own experience, this is not enough to make a reliable conclusion about which search engine is best for certain tasks or scenarios. Additionally, there is no discussion of counterarguments or other points of view that could challenge the author's opinion on these matters.
Second, there is a lack of exploration into potential risks associated with using certain search engines over others. For example, while the author mentions privacy concerns related to using Google, they do not discuss any potential risks associated with using Baidu or Bing instead. This leaves readers without a full understanding of all possible risks involved when choosing a particular search engine over another.
Finally, it appears that the article has been written from a biased perspective in favor of Google over its competitors; this bias can be seen in statements such as “Google is obviously higher than the other two” and “Bing is now more valuable for research experiments than commercial value for Microsoft” which suggest that Google is superior to its competitors without providing any evidence to back up this claim.
In conclusion, while this article provides an interesting comparison between three major search engines and offers some insight into their respective advantages and disadvantages, it lacks sufficient evidence to support its claims and fails to explore potential risks associated with using one over another. Additionally, it appears to have been written from a biased perspective in favor of Google over its competitors without providing any evidence to back up this claim; thus making it difficult for readers to trust its conclusions or take them seriously.