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Article summary:

1. LiDAR systems suffer from systematic errors, including POS systematic errors, which can cause discrepancies between overlapping LiDAR strips and the ground truth.

2. LiDAR strip adjustment (LSA) methods are used to eliminate these discrepancies, but most current methods neglect the influence of POS systematic errors.

3. The proposed aerotriangulation-aided LSA (AT-aided LSA) method uses aerial images as reference data and adopts two types of conjugate features as control elements to eliminate position and angular errors caused by boresight angular errors and POS systematic errors. Experimental results show its feasibility and superiority over other LSA methods.

Article analysis:



其次,该论文主要关注LiDAR strip adjustment (LSA)方法,并认为现有方法忽略了POS系统误差的影响。然而,该论文并未提供足够的证据来支持这一主张。因此,该论文可能存在无根据的主张。


最后,在实验结果部分,该论文声称所提出的AT-aided LSA方法优于TDST LSA方法。然而,在实验设计和数据处理方面是否存在任何偏见或错误尚不清楚。因此,需要更多研究来验证这一结论。
