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Article summary:

1. The FileStorage folder is used to store received files and pictures in the WeiChat App.

2. Deleting the FileStorage folder is possible, but not recommended as it will prevent users from viewing pictures or videos in the WeiChat App.

3. Files are units defined on computers to achieve certain functions or parts of a software's functionality, and they do not have an extension like documents do.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides accurate information about the FileStorage folder and its purpose. The article also explains why deleting the folder is not recommended, which helps readers understand why they should not delete it. Additionally, the article provides a clear example of how this applies to Windows 10 systems using Huawei Matebook X Pro laptops.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that could be addressed. For instance, while the article does provide an example of how this applies to Windows 10 systems using Huawei Matebook X Pro laptops, it does not mention any other operating systems or devices that may be affected by deleting the FileStorage folder. Additionally, while the article does explain why deleting the folder is not recommended, it does not provide any further information about what could happen if someone were to delete it anyway. This could lead readers to believe that nothing bad would happen if they deleted it without being aware of any potential risks associated with doing so.

In conclusion, while this article is generally reliable and trustworthy in terms of providing accurate information about the FileStorage folder and its purpose, there are some potential biases that should be addressed in order for readers to get a more complete understanding of what could happen if they were to delete this folder from their device.