1. The characteristics of churn flow, a highly disturbed flow with oscillatory nature formed in the intermediate region between annular and slug flows, have been investigated through simultaneous measurements of pressure drop and gas-liquid interface structure.
2. A method to identify the flow pattern using spatio-temporal flow structure maps for slug, churn, and annular flows has been proposed.
3. A correlation considering the wave characteristics of oscillatory liquid film has been proposed for the time-averaged frictional pressure gradient in two-phase flow systems.
The article titled "Gas-liquid interfacial structure and pressure drop characteristics of churn flow" provides an in-depth analysis of the oscillatory characteristics of churn flow, which is a highly disturbed flow with an oscillatory nature formed in the intermediate region between annular and slug flows. The article highlights the importance of understanding the flow pattern and frictional pressure gradient in oscillatory flow to develop a mathematical model of churn flow with non-linear oscillations.
The article presents experimental investigations conducted to clarify the oscillatory characteristics of churn flow. The authors used simultaneous measurements of pressure drop and spatio-temporal gas-liquid interface structure to study the effects of the oscillatory motion of liquid flow on frictional pressure gradient. They proposed a method to identify the flow pattern by using spatio-temporal flow structure maps for slug, churn, and annular flows.
The article provides detailed information about the experimental apparatus and procedure used for air-water upward flow. It also presents typical examples of spatio-temporal structure of gas-liquid interface obtained by placing time series of liquid holdup distributions along the tube axis parallel to each other against the axis of time.
However, there are some potential biases in this article that need to be considered. Firstly, it only focuses on one type of two-phase flow (upward concurrent flow) and does not consider other types such as downward concurrent or countercurrent flows. Secondly, it only considers air-water upward flow and does not explore other combinations such as oil-gas or steam-water. Thirdly, it does not provide any information about possible risks associated with churn flow instability in two-phase systems such as natural circulation loops with vertical risers or airlift pumps.
Moreover, while the authors propose a new correlation considering wave characteristics of oscillatory liquid film for frictional pressure gradient applicable to both churn and annular flows, they do not provide evidence for its effectiveness compared to conventional correlations for steady two-phase flows. Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments or limitations of the proposed method to identify flow patterns.
In conclusion, while the article provides valuable insights into the oscillatory characteristics of churn flow and proposes a new correlation for frictional pressure gradient applicable to both churn and annular flows, it has some potential biases and limitations that need to be considered. Further research is needed to explore other types of two-phase flows and combinations and to investigate possible risks associated with churn flow instability in two-phase systems.