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Article summary:

1. Examples of classic C++ problems, such as finding the absolute value of a number, sorting two numbers from smallest to largest, determining if a year is a leap year, printing out the multiplication table, and finding prime factors.

2. Solutions to problems such as drawing rectangles and diamonds with given parameters, solving the monkey eating peaches problem using recursion and functions, and sorting 10 numbers using simple selection methods.

3. Explanations of how to solve each problem with code snippets provided for each example.

Article analysis:

The article provides detailed explanations on how to solve various C++ programming problems with code snippets provided for each example. The article appears to be reliable in terms of providing accurate information on how to solve these problems; however, it does not provide any evidence or sources for its claims or solutions. Additionally, there is no discussion of potential risks associated with the solutions presented in the article or any counterarguments that could be made against them. Furthermore, the article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on providing solutions without exploring other possible approaches or considering alternative perspectives. As such, while this article may be useful for those looking for solutions to specific C++ programming problems, it should not be relied upon as an authoritative source due to its lack of evidence and one-sided approach.