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Article summary:

1. A surprising topic recently went viral on the internet: garbage bins on Valentine's Day have become a "secret to wealth".

2. People can find not only flowers, but also cakes, lighters and money in the garbage bins on Valentine's Day.

3. The meaning of Valentine's Day is to remind people to be loving and cherish their relationships with each other.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides an overview of the recent trend of people finding unexpected items in garbage bins on Valentine’s Day, such as cakes, lighters and money. It also explains the meaning of Valentine’s Day which is to remind people to be loving and cherish their relationships with each other. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. Firstly, the article does not provide any evidence for its claims about people finding unexpected items in garbage bins on Valentine’s Day. Secondly, it does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing the meaning of Valentine’s Day. Lastly, it does not mention any possible risks associated with this trend such as health risks from eating food found in a bin or safety risks from handling sharp objects like lighters found in a bin. In conclusion, while the article is generally reliable and trustworthy, it could benefit from providing more evidence for its claims and exploring counterarguments or presenting both sides equally when discussing the meaning of Valentine’s Day as well as noting any possible risks associated with this trend.