1. 本文旨在调查不同利益相关者(所有者、员工、客户、非政府组织和政府机构)对于激励企业社会责任(CSR)的重要性的看法。
2. 研究发现,所有者是推动管理层追求CSR的主要动力,其次是客户、政府、员工和非政府组织。而在被问及应该成为主要激励因素的利益相关者时,客户排名第一,其次是员工、所有者、政府和非政府组织。
3. 年龄是一个显著变量,年龄越大,对于事实与观点之间差异的认知就越小。此外,这项研究仅限于挪威地区,需要在其他国家进行复制以探究文化差异。
The article "How stakeholders view stakeholders as CSR motivators" presents an empirical study that investigates the perceptions of different stakeholder groups regarding their relative importance in motivating managers to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). While the study provides some valuable insights, it also has several limitations and potential biases.
One potential bias is the limited scope of the study, which was conducted only in Norway. Therefore, generalization of the findings to other countries and cultures may be limited. Additionally, the sample size of 264 respondents may not be representative enough to draw definitive conclusions.
Another limitation is that the study only considers five stakeholder groups (owners, employees, customers, NGOs, and governmental authorities), while there may be other important stakeholders such as suppliers or local communities that were not included. Moreover, the study does not explore how different stakeholder groups may have conflicting interests or priorities regarding CSR.
Furthermore, the article does not provide a clear definition of what constitutes CSR or how it is measured. This lack of clarity makes it difficult to assess whether the findings are valid and reliable.
Finally, while the article suggests that customers should be viewed as key motivators for managers to pursue CSR, it does not provide sufficient evidence to support this claim. The study only shows that customers are perceived as more important than NGOs or governmental authorities in motivating managers to engage in CSR. However, this does not necessarily mean that customers are more effective or influential in promoting CSR than other stakeholders.
Overall, while the article provides some useful insights into stakeholder perceptions of CSR motivators, it also has several limitations and potential biases that need to be taken into account when interpreting its findings.