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Article summary:

1. Inhaled Nitric Oxide (iNO) has been studied as a therapy for pulmonary hypertension and hypoxic respiratory failure in preterm infants requiring assisted ventilation.

2. The results of previous studies on the use of iNO in preterm infants have been conflicting, with some showing a reduction in death or chronic lung disease (CLD) and others showing no significant benefit.

3. The Meta-Analysis of Preterm Patients on inhaled Nitric Oxide (MAPPiNO) Collaboration will perform an individual patient data meta-analysis to determine the extent to which patient or treatment characteristics may explain the results and/or may predict benefit from iNO in preterm infants. Thirteen trials with a total of 3567 infants are eligible for inclusion, and data analysis is expected to commence in late 2009 with results being publicly available in 2010.

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