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Article summary:

1. Audio advertising in-app is growing rapidly, with US podcast advertising spending expected to surpass $2 billion by 2023.

2. The industry faces a rising threat of ad fraud schemes, such as the recent discovery of the BeatSting fraud scheme that has cost unprotected advertisers up to $20 million over the last few years.

3. Fraudsters can create fake traffic that simulates how users listen and trigger an ad exchange to insert an ad, making audio channels with higher engagement more vulnerable to fraudulent activity when demand is high.

Article analysis:


首先,文章没有提供足够的证据来支持其主张。虽然文章引用了DoubleVerify和Integral Ad Science的研究结果,但并没有详细说明这些研究是如何得出结论的。此外,文章只提到了BeatSting欺诈方案,并未探讨其他可能存在的欺诈行为。



