1. Small molecular therapeutics are often poorly soluble in water, leading to decreased bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy.
2. Co-formulating drugs with specific excipients can form stable nanoparticles with ultrahigh drug loading, but it is currently not understood which combinations lead to desired properties.
3. The integration of molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning with a high-throughput experimental co-aggregation platform can identify drug-excipient combinations that form stable, self-assembled solid drug nanoparticles with potential applications in various therapies.
1. 偏见来源:该文章没有提及可能的风险和副作用,只强调了其优点和应用前景,可能存在宣传内容和偏袒。
2. 片面报道:该文章只关注了药物纳米粒子的制备方法和应用前景,但未探讨其对人体健康的影响、环境污染等问题。
3. 缺失考虑点:该文章没有考虑到药物纳米粒子在生物体内的代谢、分布、毒性等问题,也没有探讨其与其他药物或化学物质的相互作用。
4. 主张缺失证据:该文章声称通过计算模拟和机器学习可以预测药物与助剂之间的相互作用并制备稳定的纳米粒子,但未提供足够的实验证据来支持这一主张。
5. 未探索反驳:该文章没有探讨可能存在的反驳观点或疑虑,并未平等地呈现双方观点。