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Analysis | Passport
Source: www-portal-euromonitor-com.chula.idm.oclc.org
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Article summary:

1. Demand for immune support fortified/functional (FF) beverages slows down as the pandemic eases, but FF energy drinks see a strong rebound.

2. The Gatorade Co leads FF beverages in 2021 with a 23% retail value share, while FF tea declines marginally and FF energy drinks grow as demand for caffeine rises.

3. Immune support faces an uncertain future as COVID-19 becomes endemic, and the protein boom will start to lose steam in the US market.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the fortified/functional (FF) beverages market in the US, highlighting key trends and developments in 2021 and offering insights into future prospects and opportunities. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider.

One-sided reporting: The article focuses primarily on the growth and opportunities in the FF beverages market, with little attention paid to potential risks or challenges. For example, while it notes that demand for immune support beverages may decline as COVID-19 becomes endemic, it does not explore potential negative impacts on the market from ongoing health concerns or economic uncertainty.

Unsupported claims: The article makes several claims about consumer behavior and preferences without providing evidence or data to support them. For example, it suggests that US consumers are "constantly reaching for caffeine in ever-higher quantities," but does not provide any statistics or research to back up this assertion.

Missing points of consideration: While the article discusses trends in specific categories of FF beverages, such as energy drinks and tea, it does not address broader issues related to ingredient sourcing, sustainability, or ethical concerns. These factors could become increasingly important to consumers in the coming years and may impact purchasing decisions.

Promotional content: The article highlights specific brands and companies within the FF beverages market without providing a clear rationale for why they are significant or noteworthy. For example, it notes that Gatorade Co leads the market with a 23% retail value share but does not explain why this is relevant to readers.

Partiality: The article appears to be written from a pro-industry perspective, emphasizing growth opportunities and positive developments while downplaying potential risks or challenges. This bias may be influenced by Passport's role as a provider of market research data for businesses operating in this sector.

Overall, while the article provides useful insights into current trends and future prospects for the FF beverages market in the US, readers should approach its claims with some caution and consider additional sources of information before making business decisions based on its findings.