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Article summary:

1. This research explores the influence of stimulus factors in the live-streaming shopping environment on consumers' psychological situation and their intention to make impulsive purchases.

2. The online questionnaire survey method was used to survey users who participated in live-streaming shopping, and data empirical evaluation and hypotheses test were conducted using SPSS and SmartPLS.

3. Results show that demand, convenience, interactivity, and playfulness positively stimulate consumers' perceived enjoyment which directly drives their intention of impulsive purchase.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a detailed overview of the research conducted on exploring factors influencing impulse buying in live streaming shopping from a stimulus-organism-response (SOR) perspective. The authors have provided sufficient evidence for their claims by conducting an online questionnaire survey with 335 valid questionnaires collected, followed by data empirical evaluation and hypotheses test using SPSS and SmartPLS. Furthermore, the article has presented both sides equally by providing insights into how businesses use influencers or online streamers to drive the growth of the influencer economy as well as how consumers involuntarily place orders when introduced to products/services by influencers during live streaming shopping.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted in this article such as one-sided reporting which may lead to partiality towards certain points of view or opinions; unsupported claims which may lead readers to draw incorrect conclusions; missing points of consideration which may lead readers to overlook important aspects; missing evidence for the claims made which may lead readers to doubt the validity of the findings; unexplored counterarguments which may lead readers to form incomplete opinions; promotional content which may lead readers to be misled; not presenting both sides equally which may lead readers to form biased opinions; and possible risks not being noted which may lead readers to overlook potential dangers associated with certain activities or decisions.