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Article summary:

1. Murat Boz's Instagram account has a total of [source: ] followers.

2. The account has experienced growth in the past week, with an increase in daily follower change.

3. The article includes a chart created with Highcharts 6.0.3 that displays the account's follower increase and increase rate compared to the industry average.

Article analysis:

Unfortunately, the article provided is incomplete and lacks any substantial content to analyze. It only presents a chart with some statistics related to Murat Boz's Instagram account, such as follower count, growth rate, following count, and posts. However, there is no analysis or interpretation of these numbers.

Moreover, the sources of the data are not mentioned, which raises questions about their reliability and accuracy. The article also fails to provide any context or comparison with other similar accounts or industry averages.

Therefore, it is challenging to identify any potential biases or one-sided reporting in this article. However, it can be argued that the lack of information and analysis could be seen as a form of partiality towards Murat Boz's Instagram account.

In conclusion, this article does not provide any valuable insights or critical analysis regarding Murat Boz's Instagram account. It only presents some statistics without any context or interpretation. As such, it cannot be considered a reliable source of information for anyone interested in understanding the performance of this social media account.