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Article summary:

1. Pita Pit outlets have been closing around the country, but the chain is still committed to growth.

2. The closures are due to shops coming to the end of their leases, the need for earthquake strengthening and Covid-19 impacts.

3. Pita Pit has plans to reopen up to six more outlets in the next couple of months and is recruiting in other areas to establish more franchises.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it provides a detailed explanation of why Pita Pit outlets are closing, citing specific reasons such as shops coming to the end of their leases, earthquake strengthening needs, and Covid-19 impacts. It also provides information about Pita Pit's plans for growth, including reopening up to six more outlets in the next couple of months and recruiting in other areas to establish more franchises. The article does not appear biased or one-sided as it presents both sides of the story - that some outlets are closing while others are opening - without favoring either side. It also includes quotes from Pita Pit's chief executive Duane Dalton which adds credibility to the article. There does not appear to be any missing points of consideration or evidence for claims made in this article, nor any unexplored counterarguments or promotional content. Possible risks associated with Pita Pit's plans for growth are noted, and both sides of the story are presented equally without partiality or favoritism towards either side.