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Article summary:

1. Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is a promising construction material for sustainable and resilient infrastructure due to its low water-to-binder ratio, high particle packing density, high-volume of steel fibers, and proper addition of chemical admixtures.

2. UHPC has superior workability, mechanical properties, and durability compared with conventional concrete but faces challenges such as low workability for large-volume production, high autogenous shrinkage, insufficient flexural/tensile properties, and unpredictable durability after concrete cracking.

3. State-of-the-art technologies are being developed to improve UHPC mixtures' properties by designing methodologies, using typical ingredients such as binders, aggregates, chemical admixtures, and fibers; improving and controlling key properties such as workability, autogenous shrinkage, compressive performance, tensile/flexural properties, and durability; and showcasing successful applications.

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