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Article summary:

1. Platelets play a role in thrombosis, inflammation, and cancer: Platelets are not only involved in hemostasis and thrombosis but also have an impact on inflammation and cancer development. They originate from a lower vertebrate cell type with both hemostatic and immunologic roles.

2. Platelets' involvement in cancer biology: The article discusses the relevance of platelets in cancer biology by focusing on the hallmarks of cancer and how platelets can influence the multistep development of tumors. Platelets can contribute to creating a proproliferative environment that supports cellular transformation.

3. Platelets' interaction with the immune system: Platelets share a common ancestral cell with leukocytes, known as thrombocytes, which facilitates both hemostatic and immune functions in lower vertebrates. In higher vertebrates, platelets continue to pervade immunologic functions and can be viewed as an extension of the cellular immune system. They play a role in diverse inflammatory processes that influence normal leukocyte biology and inflammatory signals.

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