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Article summary:

1. Large-amplitude wind-induced vibrations of hangers have been observed on the Xihoumen Bridge, and the excitation mechanism is still unknown at present.

2. The mechanism of the wind-induced vibration of the hangers of the Xihoumen Bridge was investigated based on field measurements, wind tunnel tests, and theoretical analyses.

3. Wake-induced vibration (WIV) should be the reason for the hanger vibration in the Xihoumen Bridge, and spacers are significantly effective to reduce WIV of the hanger.

Article analysis:

The article "Wake-Induced Vibrations of the Hangers of the Xihoumen Bridge" published in the Journal of Bridge Engineering provides a detailed investigation into the mechanism behind wind-induced vibrations of hangers on suspension bridges. The study focuses on the Xihoumen Bridge, which has experienced large-amplitude vibrations in its hangers, and aims to identify the excitation mechanism through field measurements, wind tunnel tests, and theoretical analyses.

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the data collected from field measurements and wind tunnel tests. The authors conclude that wake-induced vibration (WIV) is the primary reason for hanger vibration on the Xihoumen Bridge. They support this conclusion with evidence from both field measurements and wind tunnel tests, which show that downstream cables experience larger oscillation amplitudes than upstream cables under different wind yaw angles.

The article also explores the effects of structural damping and spacers on WIV of hangers. The authors find that spacers are significantly effective in reducing WIV, while increasing structural damping does not effectively mitigate oscillation amplitude. Theoretical analyses based on a 3D continuous model successfully reproduce the main characteristics observed in field measurements and wind tunnel tests.

Overall, the article provides valuable insights into WIV as a mechanism for hanger vibration on suspension bridges. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider. For example, the study only focuses on one bridge, so it may not be generalizable to other bridges with different designs or environmental conditions. Additionally, while the authors acknowledge previous research on hanger vibration mechanisms, they do not explore counterarguments or alternative explanations for their findings.

Furthermore, there is some promotional content in the article regarding previous countermeasures adopted by other bridges to mitigate hanger vibration. While this information is relevant to understanding past efforts to address this issue, it is presented without critical evaluation or consideration of potential drawbacks or limitations.

In conclusion, while "Wake-Induced Vibrations of the Hangers of the Xihoumen Bridge" provides valuable insights into WIV as a mechanism for hanger vibration on suspension bridges, readers should approach its findings with caution and consider potential biases or limitations in its analysis.