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Article summary:

1. Spectral mixture analysis (SMA) is commonly used to derive subpixel vegetation information from remotely sensed imagery in urban areas.

2. Endmember selection is a critical step in SMA, and the spectral signatures of endmembers may vary from pixel to pixel due to changes in biophysical and biochemical composition.

3. The Bayesian Spectral Mixture Analysis (BSMA) model incorporates endmember spectral variability in the unmixing process based on Bayes Theorem, leading to an improved estimate of subpixel vegetation fractions with uncertainty information for the estimates.

Article analysis:



其次,文章提出了一个新的模型(Bayesian Spectral Mixture Analysis),但并没有提供足够的证据来支持其优越性。作者只是简单地比较了传统SMA和BSMA之间的结果,并得出结论BSMA可以更好地估计亚像素植被分数。然而,这种结论是否适用于其他数据集或场景仍需进一步研究。


