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Article summary:

1. More than half of Chinese college students possess a middle to high level of emotional intelligence (EI) and at least one third experience language anxiety in English class.

2. Moderate to relatively strong associations were found among students' EI, foreign language anxiety (FLA), English achievement, and self-rated English proficiency.

3. FLA had a significant and partial mediating effect on EI in predicting students' English achievement, as well as on the relationship between EI and self-rated English proficiency.

Article analysis:

本文旨在探讨中国英语作为外语(EFL)学生的情商和外语焦虑。文章通过对510名来自中国杭州三所大学的学生进行Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Short Form(TEIQue–SF)和Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale(FLCAS)测试,得出以下结论:(a)超过一半的中国大学生具有中等到高水平的情商,至少三分之一在英语课堂上经历了语言焦虑;(b)学生的情商、外语焦虑、英语成绩和自评英语水平之间存在中等到相对强烈的关联;(c)FLA在预测学生英语成绩方面对EI具有显著且部分中介作用;以及(d)FLA还显著且部分地介导了EI与自评英语能力之间的关系。文章讨论了结果和影响,并强调了情感因素对于英语学习的重要性。

